I have been MIA on this here bloggy blog, and I'm not quite sure what has happened to the first half of August, but to recap, in the past month...
-I went back to San Diego to see Tom and Devin open for Chris Isaak. Happily this coincided with Buckley's birthday...
{Happy birthday, Mr. Buckley!} |
{Tom getting ready backstage} |
{Tom and Devin, onstage at Humphrey's} |
- Tom and I celebrated our third (!) wedding anniversary with dinner at a great Mediterranean restaurant about a block from our apartment. Do we still qualify as newlyweds? I'm gonna go ahead and say we do.
- Tom went to Nashville for work, and I headed back to San Diego for family fun and wedding dress shopping with Mo.
{No dress shots that Buckley might see, but, trust. She chose a winner.} |
-Tom's parents came to town and we did lots of stuff...
We spent an afternoon in Malibu.
{Matador Beach} |
{Some sort of photo shoot...?} |
{Tom and his dad} |
We also celebrated his Michael and Judie's engagement at the 94th Aero Squadron restaurant.
While Tom's parents were here, we also made a day trip to San Diego so that Tom could play with
Melly Frances and the Distilled Spirits at the Casbah. The fantastic show was well worth the late night return trip to LA.
-Tom and I went to see Phish at the Hollywood Bowl. The highlight for me was hearing them cover
Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover. Listening to Phish was a nice trip down memory lane and a reminder of how much things have changed since I last saw them in Worcester during my senior year of college....
{Now - wine and sushi, Then - Busch Light and bong hits} |
- I headed back to San Diego yet again (this would be the fourth time in a month if you're keeping track) because I am not willing to break up with the hair stylist I have been seeing for the past seven years...I'm codependent like that. I also volunteered to keep Lucy company for the day since my parents were headed to Boston for a wedding.
{It was a grey day, so we practically had the place to ourselves.} |
While I was home, I also got to witness my dad giving Midgey a lesson in lawn mowing...
- I have also been spending a ridiculous amount of time looking for a job, but that is neither fun, nor photograph worthy.
- When I not looking for an actual paying job, I have been auditioning for the unpaid role of housewife.
{mint, basil, chives, rosemary, thyme, and cilantro from my herb garden} |
{radishes from the farmer's market} |
{the makings for the perfect summer bruschetta} |
In an effort to increase my odds of getting a full time position as domestic engineer, I pulled out the big guns and bought a sewing machine. I then made myself a little pin cushion/sewing kit out of a mason jar. Thanks to
Martha's instructions, it was super easy, particularly since it involved no actual sewing. The sewing part is proving slightly more difficult, so far I have made two wonky dinner napkins...
And that brings us to now, mostly...